目的通过血液报废因素的分析,采取恰当措施杜绝或减少血液资源的浪费。方法按国家卫生部卫医发(2000)第448号《血站基本标准》全血及成分血质量标准进行合格血液及报废血液的判定。结果4年共采集血液63 408单位,报废2 418单位,报废率为3.81%,混合无偿献血模式血液报废率4.75%最高,自愿无偿献血模式血液报废率4.24%次之,计划无偿献血模式血液报废率1.82%最低,月份之间血液报废率无显著规律,但差别较大;血型报废率从高到低的顺序是:O型、A型、B型、AB型;抗-TP阳性和ALT增高造成血液报废率分别是1.73%、0.93%,明显高于其他原因,是血液报废的两大主要因素。结论加强献血知识的宣传,严格筛选献血者,坚持献血者身份和指纹识别,强化血站全面质量管理,是避免或减少血液报废的主要环节。
Objective To identify factors for blood disqualification, so as to take appropriate measures to prevent or reduce the blood disqualification. Methods According to the Operation Standards of Blood Station [No. 448 (2000)] published by the Ministry of Public Health, blood qualification and disqualification was judged. The blood samples were divided into three groups: group 1 collected from the mode of planning donation without reward; group 2 from the mode of voluntary blood donation without reward; and group 3 from the combination of the above. Results Totally 63 408 u were collected during the four years, of which 2 418 were disqualified and the disqualification rate was 3.81%. The disqualification rate of group 3(4.75%) was the highest, followed by that of group 2 (4.24%) and group 1 (1.82%). There was significant difference among the samples collected from different months. And the descending order of blood type of disqualified blood was as follows: type O, A, B, and AB. The existence of anti-TP antibody and ALT elevation were the two main factors for blood disqualification, which disqualification rate was 1.73% and 0.93% respectively. Conclusion It suggests that propaganda of blood donation knowledge, selection of blood donors, ID and finger print identification for them, quality control of the blood station should be enhanced so as to prevent or reduce the blood disqualification.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
Blood donors
Donor selection
Total quality management