
基于摇珠随机原理的工程招投标方法研究 被引量:3

Research on Biding Method Based on Rolling-ball Lottery
摘要 为了有效克服工程招投标过程中人为因素影响和贿标现象的发生,基于珠随机原理的招投标方法随之诞生。在总结广东省几个市的珠招投标工作经验的基础上,提出在严格投标人资格审查制度,建立健全地区和全国性施工企业资信诚信评价数据库和网络体系上。珠方法一般适用于中小型、施工技术难度较低的工程招投标工作。在大中型技术复杂工程中,珠方法可结合专家评分法使用,以确保遴选出投标报价、技术施组方案、资信诚信综合最优的投标单位中标。 Applying the method of rolling-Ball lottery on bidding is to prevent the bidders from bribing and make sure the bidding is fair and rational in China. This paper summarizes the experience that Guangdong province did so, and puts forward that the method is suitable for the small, middle type of projects simple of technology based on setting up the rigid quality audit system and the perfect regional and national network of quality and honesty estimation system about the construction enterprises. What is more, combined with the experts' estimation system, the method of rolling-Ball lottery on bidding is also used in the middle, large type of projects, so as to make sure to select out the best bidder.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70373032)
关键词 摇珠 招投标 诚信 专家 rolling balls method bidding integrity expert
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