
几何约束求解可构造模式研究 被引量:1

Research on Constructible Merge Patterns of Geometric Constraints Solving
摘要 针对完整几何约束系统刚性复合顶点的装配求解问题,细化和分离出可几何构造模式,并提出几何增量构造的方法求解这类模式。通过对可构造模式子构型的构造,求出刚性体的自由转动和自由移动运动空间,在自由运动空间中构造未满足的几何约束。该方法在几何约束求解中具有实际的应用价值,克服了数值整体迭代的不稳定性和符号法的低效率,并实现于几何约束求解器CBA中。 On the basis of optimal decomposition algorithm of geometric constraint system, the properties of constructible merge patterns of rigid strongly connected components assembly patterns is analyzed and a geometric incremental construction algorithm is presented to solve the constructible merge patterns. The approach mainly works in two phases. Firstly, free motion space of rigid components can be worked out by constructing the sub-configurations of constructible merge patterns. Then, the residual unsatisfactory constraint can be constructed utilizing rotate, translate or rigid operation in free motion space. The proposed method is of practical benefit to geometric constraints solving. It has advantages of stability and efficiency over simultaneous numerical iteration and symbolic methods. This method has been implemented in geometric constraint solver CBA (Constraint Broadcasting Automation).
出处 《工程图学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期35-42,共8页 Journal of Engineering Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60503069) 湖北省科技攻关计划资助项目(2006AA108A03)
关键词 计算机应用 计算机辅助设计 几何增量构造 几何约束求解 computer application computer-aided design geometric incremental construction geometric constraint solving
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