本文根据我国内海及毗邻海域周围国家和地区17个站点的多年实测太阳总辐射及云量资料,对总辐射计算公式进行讨论,在考虑与太阳高度有关的纬度及季节变化对云遮系数C的影响之后,对计算公式进行了修正;在修正的C的基础上,利用我国近海(o°~44°N,100°~136°E) 1930~1979年共370多万条船舶报的云量资料,计算了我国近海海面的逐月太阳总辐射量,迺过研究海区附近30多个实测站的月平均太阳总辐射资料证实,推算结果是令人满意的。 分析我国近海海面月平均总辐射图得出:在考虑碧空大气吸收之后,海面总辐射的到达量主要受太阳高度,云量等影响,季风、海流,气旋、副高、热带辐合带和沿岸及岛屿地形等主要通过对云量分布的影响来改变海面太阳总辐射的分布状况。
On the basis of climatic observation data of 17 stations around the China Sea and its adjacent area (0-44°N, 100-136°E). the calculation method of monthly global solar radiation has been improved in the consideration of the effect of latitudin&l and seasonal variations, in relation to solar altitude, upon cloud coeffcient C. With the help of the improved C, the monthly global radiation on the surface of the research area has been computed according to the 3700000 weather reports given by ships during 1930-79. The comparison with observed data supplied by 30 stations in the area shows that the results are reliable. Through analysis of distributional maps, the main factors which affect the radiation on the sea surface are found to be solar height and cloud amount. Monsoon, ocean current, ITCZ, cyclone, subtropical high and the terrian may alter the distribution of the radiation through changing cloud distribution.
Marine Science Bulletin