Objective To investigate the expression of leptin in maternal plasma and placenta of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy (HDCP). Methods A prospective study was performed on 180 pregnant women with previously normal blood pressure. Maternal blood plasma was collected at 10-14, 20-24, 30-34 gestational weeks and 24 h after delivery and placenta reserved. Based on pregnancy outcomes, the subjects were divided into preeclamptic group (severe for 4 cases and mild for 6 eases), gestational hypertension group (12 cases) and healthy normal pregnant group (22 cases, selected from 158 normal healthy pregnant women by random). Maternal blood plasma levels of leptin were determined by enzyme-llnked immunoassay technique, the expression and location of leptin in placenta were assayed by using immunohistochemistry (SP), and the expression of leptin mRNA in placenta was detected by using quantitative fluorescent RT-PCR. At the same time, 15 healthy women without pregnancy were selected as non-pregnant group. Results The levels of maternal plasma leptin in normal healthy pregnant group were elevated with the development of pregnancy. The levels of leptin in preeclampsia were significantly higher than in healthy normal pregnant group at the same stages (P〈0.01), but no change existed between gestational hypertension and normal pregnant group (P〉0. 05). The levels of maternal plasma leptin were rapidly dropped into the levels of non-pregnancy on all subjects. The leptin in placenta was located in the cytoplasm of villous syneytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast and vascular endothelial cells. The expression intensity of leptin protein and mRNA in preeclampsia was greater than in gestational hypertension (P〈0.01), and the intensity in gestational hypertension group was greater than in healthy normal pregnancy group by turn (P〈0. 01). Conclusion The maternal plasma levels of leptin in preeclampsia are higher than in normal healthy pregnant women in the first trimester, and leptin protein secreted by placenta is elevated with the aggravated placental hypoxia. Leptin can be used as a sensitive signaling molecule of HDCP.
Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong
hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy