
中国对外签订新式双边投资条约需要注意的问题 被引量:4

The Problems Arising from the New Model BITs Signed by China and Solutions
摘要 虽然新式BITs中的规定与中国曾作出的ICSID公约第25(4)条保留在事实上已经相悖,但由于撤回条约保留是一种要式行为,所以不能认为中国已经撤回了该条保留,且现阶段也最好不要撤回该条保留。在对待国际投资仲裁实践的立场上,应该理性地采取防守策略,通过完善新式BITs中有关仲裁机制利用的规定从而谨慎地积累实践经验,将可能产生的风险降到最低程度。在仲裁机制利用方面的完善措施包括在新式BITs中限定"投资者"的范围、规定"安全例外"和"一般例外"等。 Though the provisions in the new model BITs am in contradiction with the reservation made by China when signing ICSID Convention, the new model BITs alone can' t be considered as a withdrawal of the reservation which is also not a wise decision at this stage. China should improve the clauses related to the use of international investment arbitration in the new model BITs as defensive tactics instead of conservative or overall open policy, which can reduces risk to the lowest level. The improving measures on application of arbitration mechanism include limiting the range of in- vestor, priscribing security exceptions and General Exceptions etc. in new BITS.
作者 石慧
机构地区 宁波大学法学院
出处 《湖南文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期27-31,共5页 Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science:Social Science Edition
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题"以条约为基础的私人与国家之间投资争端仲裁研究"(06CGZF37YBM)的部分研究成果
关键词 新式BITs ICSID公约保留之撤回 仲裁机制 完善措施 new model BITs withdrawal of the reservation of ICSID Convention defensive tactics improvement of new model BITs
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