中国枓学院海洋研究所于1961、1973、1975、1980年分别在文登、连云港、烟台、青岛进行黄海鱼类吸虫调查,经作者研究,确认4新种于此,各定名为连云港重肛吸虫Bianium lianyungangense sp.nov.(属鳞肉科Lepocreadiidae),鳕颈源吸虫Derogenes gadi sp.nov., 黄姑褶膜吸虫Ectenurus nibeae sp.nov.和梭鱼单黄吸虫Monolecithotrema lizae sp.nov.(均届半尾科Hemiuridae)。此外,文中列出了黄海鱼类复殖吸虫暨宿主名录,并对黄、渤海共有种做了简介。
This paper deals with four new species of digenetic tremafodes belonging to the family Lepocr-eadiidae (Odhner, 1905) Nicoll, 1935 and Hemiuridae (Looss, 1899) Luhe, 1901. They were collected from marine fishes from the Yellow Sea. All measurements are in mm. except ova in μm.The type specimens are deposited at the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. 1. Lepocreadiidae (Odhner, 1905) Nicoll, 1935 Bianium lianyungangense sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Host; Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther; Location: intestine; Locality; Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province; Date; May 6, 1973; Infection: 1 specimen from 1 host.Description: Body small, 2.703 in whole length, divided into two regions, fore body and hind body, the former 1.445 in width, the latter 1.496 Oral sucker 0.153×0.170, ventrotermina!. Atc-tabulum round 0.510 in diameter, at posterior end of fore body. The distance from oral sucker to acetabulum is 0.391.Prepharynx short 0.051×0.068, pharynx round 0.119 in diame er. Ceca opening at posterior end of body.Testes olive-shaped, situated obliquely tandem, in midregton of hind body, anterior testis 0.459 ×0.204, posterior testis 0.391×0.187. Cirrus pouch club-shaped, 0.510×0.102, in front of acetabulum, containing viscula seminajis interna, 0.119 in diameter, viscula seminalis externa 0.119×0.102. Pars prostatica short 0.085 long. Ejaculatorius duct 0.272 long. Genital pore opening in front of margin of body near oral sucker.Ovary round lobes, 4 in number, each 0.085-0.102 in diameter, situated at anterior part of hind body. Receptaculum seminis pouch-shaped, 0.357×0.136, lying behind ovary. Vitelline follicles are very few In number. Uterus coils between ovary and acetabulum. Eggs elliptical, 54-63×30-39.Discussion; This species distinguishes itself from all the other described species of the genus in the cirrus pouch being situated in front of acetabulum, the ovary being 4 lobes and the vitelline follicles being few in number. 2. Hemiuridae (Looss, 1899) Luhe, 1901 1) Derogenes gadi sp. nov. (Fig. 2)Host: Gadus macrocephalus Tilesus; Location: intestine; Locality; Yautai, Shandong Province; Date; August 9, 1975; Infection: 1 specimen from 1 of 4 hosts.Description: Body small, 3.332 long, near round at anterior, pointed at posterior. 0.784 wide at level of acetabulum. Oral sucker terminal ventrally 0.221×0.255. Acetabulum round 0.561 in diameter, situated at anterior end of half posterior body, 1.565 to anterior end and 1.206 posterior end. Pharynx 0.119 in diameter, esophagus short 0.136×0.085, ceca extending to posterior end of body.Testes obliquely postacetabular, anterior testis 0.204×0.187, posterior testis 0.221×0.204. Seminal vesicle round, 0.136 in diameter, at pre-acetabulum. Pars prostatica 0.833 long. Hermaphroditic pouch elliptical, 0.170×0.136 at intestinal bifurcation. Genital pore opening ventral to posterior esophagus.Ovary elliptical, 0.170×0.204 at half of hind body, situated between two vitellaria masses. Receptaculum seminis 0.221×0.136, aside of ovary. Two vitellaria masses, one in froni of and another behind ovary, each 0.306×0.289. Uterus developed, descending to posterior end of body and ascending to hermaphroditic pouch. Eggs oval. 48-51×27-30.Discussion: This species resembles D. macrostoma Yamaguti, 1938 and D. varicus (Muller, 1784) Looss, 1901 but differs from the two species in the acutabulum being situated near posterior end of body, the ovary lying between two viteilaria masses and tandem, the seminal vesicle being far from acetabulum and the smaller size of ova. 2) Fcfeuurus nibeae sp. nov. (Fig. 3)Host: Nibea albiflore (Richardson); Location: stomach; Locality: Qingdao, Shandong Province; Date: July 16, 1980; Infection: 1 specimen from 1 of 4 hosts.Description: Body small wedge-shaped, body proper 0.918 long, cuticle with transverse line and serrated latreally 0.340 wide at level of acetabulum. Tail 0.221 long. Oral sucker subterminal, round 0.153 in diameter. Acetabulum round 0.187 in diameter, at anterior half of body proper. Sucker ratio 1:1.22.Pharynx developed, 0.102×0.068, eso-pha
Marine Science Bulletin