[目的]为丛枝菌根在观赏花卉育苗上的应用提供依据。[方法]以彩叶草(Coleus blumei)、AM真菌Glomus mosseae(CL1)、G.versiforme(CL2)和G.mosseae、G.versiforme、G.intraradice的混合菌种(CL3)为试验材料,用盆栽方法研究了灭菌条件下接种AM真菌对彩叶草生长发育的影响。[结果]与对照相比,接种CL3的彩叶草实生苗的根系长度、须根数、根系干重、叶片叶绿素a和总叶绿素含量、叶片N、P、K含量分别增加了75%、75%、69%、63%、58%、44%、100%和21%,与对照差异显著,接种CL2的彩叶草实生苗的冬指标分别增加了58%、27%、38%、71%、68%、19%、67%和16%,接种CL1的彩叶草实生苗的冬指标分别增加了52%、23%、47%、51%、45%、4%、44%和14%。接种CL3的彩叶草实生苗的移栽成活率比对照提高了13%,与对照差异显著。[结论]接种AM真菌能够侵染彩叶草实生苗并促进其生长发育。
MA Ying et al (College of Environment and Art, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, Shandong 266109) Abstract [Objective] The aim was to provide foundation for the application of A rbuscldor mycorrhiza (AM) on the seedling breeding of ornamental flower. [Method] In the pot test, with Coleus blumei, AM fungi Glomus mosseae (CL1), G. versiforme (CL2) and the mixed fungi of G. mosseae, G. versiforme and G. intraradice as tested materials, the effects of inoculating AM fungi on the growth and development of C. blumei under sterilization condition were studied.. [Result] Compared with CK, the length of roots, fibrous root number, dry" weight of roots, contents of chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll, N, P and K in the leaves of C. blumei seedlings inoculated with CL3 increased 75%, 75%, 69%, 63%, 58%, 44%, 100% and21% resp. and had significant difference from that of CK, that of C. blumei seedlings inoculated with CL2 increased 58%, 27%, 38%, 71%, 68%, 19%, 67% and 16% resp. and that of C. blumei seedlings inoculated with CL1 increased 52%, 23%, 47%, 5i%, 45%, 4%, 44% and 14% resp. Compared with CK, the transplant survival rate of C. blumei seedlings inoculated with CL3 enhanced 13% and had significant difference from that of CK. [Conclusion] Inoculating AM fungi could infect C. blumei seedling and promote its growth and development.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences