
区域服务贸易自由化安排的“GATS+”特征分析 被引量:9

Analysis on the "GATS+" Characteristic of the Regional Service Trade Liberalization Arrangements
摘要 国际服务贸易规则的多边化与区域化"并驾齐驱",已成为国际服务贸易自由化进程中的重要特征。从提高规则的透明度、稳定性、一致性和非歧视性出发,越来越多的区域服务贸易安排在规则设计和体系架构上对多边服务贸易安排做出了明显改进。文章着眼于对区域服务贸易自由化安排所呈现的四大"GATS+"特征展开分析:(1)基于"否定列表"的服务自由化承诺方式;(2)服务贸易规则与投资规则的"分立"架构;(3)相对自由的服务原产地规则;(4)"非成员最惠国待遇"条款的引入。 The coexistence of the multilateral and regional international service trade rule is the important characteristic in the process of the international service trade liberalization. Aiming at increasing the transparency, stability, consistency and decreasing discrimination, more and more regional service trade arrangements have improve the rule design and architecture of the GATS. This article analyzed four “GATS+” characteristic of the regional service trade liberalization mechanism: (1)the service liberalization commitment based on the negative list; (2)the discipline on the service trade and investment has been separate; (3)the comparative liberal rule of origin; (4)the introducing of the non-member MFN clause.
作者 周念利
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期69-74,共6页 Journal of International Trade
基金 教育部青年基金项目“中国对外贸易可持续发展水平评价指标和测度模型”(项目编号:06JC790008) 教育部重点研究基地重大项目“入世后外资企业在中国对外贸易中的地位变迁及其影响和对策”(项目编号:06JJD790004)的阶段性成果
关键词 RTAs 服.务贸易 自由化 GATS+ RTAs Service trade Liberalization GATS+
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