目的观察普济痔疮栓在治疗痔发作期中的疗效。方法将1368例痔病患者按数字随机法分为两组,治疗组684例,采用普济痔疮栓肛门内给药及洁尔阴洗液坐浴;对照组684例,采用马应龙麝香痔疮膏治疗。结果治疗组用药3d总有效率为97.66%,对照组为61.11%,用药3-5d治疗组痊愈例数及显效例数明显高于对照组的(99 vs 43,101 vs 58;214 vs 98,367 vs 117)。治疗组疗程(10±3.4)d明显短于对照组(20±2.2)d,(P〈0.05),具有可比性。结论普济痔疮栓治疗发作期痔疗效明显,痊愈快,疗程短,疗效可靠,无毒副作用。
Objective The therapeutic efficacy of Puji Hemorrhoids suppository in the treatment of hemorrhoids in the attack stage was investigated in the study. Methods 1368 patients were randomly divided into 2 groups: Treatment Group (n = 684 cases) received Puji hemorrhoids suppository combined with Jie Eryin lotion sitz bath; and Controlled Group (n = 60 cases) received Ma Yinglong Moschus ointment for hemorrhoids treatment. Results After 3 days' treatment, the general effective rates were 97.66% (Treatment Group) vs 61.11% (Controlled Group). After 3 days' and 5 days' treatment, the cure cases of the 2 groups(Treatment Group vs Controlled Group) were 99 cases vs 43 cases were 101 vs 58, and 367 vs 117, the average treatment courses were ( 10 ±3.4) days vs ( 20 ± 2. 2 ) days. There was the obvious statistical difference between two groups(P 〈 0. 05). Conclusion The therapeutic efficacy of Puji hemorrhoids suppository in the treatment of hemorrhoids in the attack stage is better in such aspects as quicker cure, shorter treatment course, more reliable therapeutic effect and no toxic and side effect than that in control Group.
Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application
Puji Hemorrhoids Suppository
Observation of therapeutic effect