高层管理团队(Top management team,TMT)作为团队的一种特殊形式,因为其有效性对企业的生存发展起到至关重要的作用。所以近年来受到国内外学者的广泛关注。但是,在过去的文献研究中,我们不难发现,学者较多研究的是TMT在人口特征(年龄,教育背景等)的异质性同不同企业绩效指标之间的关系。但是不同学者的研究结果却往往相互矛盾。为了解释不同研究结果的差异,我们结合权变理论,提出了一个动态模型,来更好地分析TMT的有效性。
As a special form of team, top management team (TMT) is directly held responsible for the survival and development of the firm. So the effectiveness of TMT has been a focus of the scholars for decades. However, in the past literature, we find that most researches mainly examine the relationship between the heterogeneity of the TMT demographic characteristics and The demographic features of the performance of the firm. individuals of TMT such as age, tenure, educational background, field of expertise are treated as a key predictive indicator of the firm's performance. Despite the fact many researches find there exist a significant relationship between these two groups of variables, the results show great inconsistence. Therefore, by introducing the situational contingency theory, we propose a dynamic model to better analyze the effectiveness of TMT.
Shanghai Management Science