Objective To construct recombinant plasmids expressing wild type Meq (Meq-wt) and mutant Meq (Meq-mut) from the Marek' s disease virus (MDV), and to use the plasmids in order to examine the inhibitory activity of the Meq gene on the transactivity of p53.Methods Meq-wt was cloned by PCR, and Meq-mut, which has the p53 binding domain deleted, was generated using PCR-based site- directed mutagenesis. The expression of Meq-wt and -mut in primary chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) was detected by Western blot. The p53-Luc reporter plasmid was co-tranfected with the Meq-wt and -mut plasmids into CEF cells to evaluate the inhibitory activity of the Meq gene on the transactivity of p53. The sub-cellular localizations of Meq proteins and p53 were also examined by immunofluorescent staining. Results DNA sequencing analysis showed that Meq-wt and -mut were obtained and properly inserted into the expression vector. The p53-Luc reporter gene assay showed that Meq inhibited the transactivity of p53. The Meq-wt protein was mostly localized in the nucleus of transfected cells and co-localized with p53, whereas the Meq-mut protein was distributed throughout the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Conclusion Meq protein of MDV inhibits the transactivity of p53 and this inhibitory activity of Meq protein is exerted probably through direct binding to p53.
Journal of Microbes and Infections