The Yangzhuoyong Lake, a big enclosed type lake in Tibet, has a water capacity of 14300 million m3. The amount of water entered the lake equals basically to that evaporated and the water level is relatively stable. The mineralization of the lake water is about 1 900 mg/L now. The lake water can be exploited for generating electricity by using the potential energy of water level between Yangzhuoyong Lake and Yarluzangbu River. In this paper, the changes of the water capacity and mineralization after exploiting the lake water resource are calculated quantitatively with the balance equation of water capacity and zero-dimensional model of water quality. The result shows that the change of mineralization is not remarkable, but the lake area will decrease 121.4 km3 after 67 years. So the water entered the lake is 181 million m3 more than the water evaported each year. These surplus water can be used for generating electricity. The water will gradually desalinate and the mineralization will tend to equilibrium concentration after 700 years. If the lake is not exploited, the water quality will be continually saltified.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica