
压电热弹性材料四边简支层合板的精确解 被引量:7

摘要 根据压电热弹性材料的控制方程和热传导关系,重构压电热弹性材料的本构关系,通过新本构关系并结合压电热弹性材料热平衡方程,得出压电热弹性材料机-电-热耦合问题的齐次状态方程。应用精细积分法,状态方程可独立求解。此方法在分析压电热弹性体耦合问题时,避免了求解关于热传导方程和热平衡方程的二阶微分方程,大大减少了数值计算的工作量。 Based upon piezothermoelastic material governing equations, the homogeneous state equation for the mechanical, electric, thermal coupling problem of piezothermoelastic materials is derived by means of reforming the constitutive equations of piezothermoelastic materials as well as combining the piezothermoelastic material thermal equilibrium equations. The homogeneous state equation can be solved independently through the precise integration method. The treatment simplifies the solution programs often used to solve second order differential equation on the thermal equilibrium and gradient relationship, and decreases greatly the workload of numerical computation.
出处 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期230-235,共6页 Engineering Mechanics
基金 天津市自然基金(07JCYBJC02100)
关键词 压电热弹性材料 层合板 精确解 精细积分法 齐次状态方程 piezothermoelastic materials laminated plates exact solution precise integration method homogeneous state equation
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