众所周知,新西兰是一个非常年轻的葡萄酒生产国,即便在“酒的新世界”中它也不过是个蕞尔小国.但依靠着仅有近两万公顷的葡萄园,这个只有四百万人口的国家还是成为了生产顶尖长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)白酒与黑皮诺(Pinot Noir)红酒的泱泱大国.而这正是得益于该国独一无二的地理位置。新西兰许多非常年轻的酒庄能亳不费力地酿造出香气奔放、如自然天成般的葡萄酒,有如新西兰令人惊艳的山水.让人惊叹不已。
As we know, New Zealand is a very young producer of wines and maybe a tiny country in "New World", but as an acclaimed producer of world-beating wines, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir are frequently judged the best in the world. A wealth of chateaus in this country can produce the fragrant and natural wines like its amazing landscape.
China Food