
宽频带EMI滤波连接器的滤波结构设计 被引量:1

Filter Structure Design in Broad Band EMI Filter Connector
摘要 EMI滤波连接器是传输信号和抑制导线或电缆电磁干扰的器件。文中介绍了一种用于宽频带低通EMI滤波连接器的设计,重点描述了该滤波器的滤波原理和结构设计,并对滤波插针的有关参数进行了理论计算以及仿真。 EMI filter connector is a device which can transmit signal and suppress the EMI on the wire and the electric cable. The article introduces the design of the broad band EMI filter connector, with the emphasis on the principle and the structure of the filter. Theoretical calculation and the simulation of the filter pararneters are also presented.
出处 《电子科技》 2008年第5期9-11,共3页 Electronic Science and Technology
关键词 EMI滤波连接器 宽频带 滤波器 emi filter connector broad band filter
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