目的 评价食管癌全程超分割放射治疗的临床疗效。方法 1999年1月~2001年12月我科收治的食管癌患者106例,超分割组:54例采用全程超分割放射治疗,120cGy/次,2次/天,间隔6小时,5天/周,放疗总量6400-7400cGy。常规分割组:52例采用常规分割放射治疗,200cGy/次,1次/天,5天/周,放疗总量6000—7000cGy。两组病人均采用60Co外照射。结果全组近期有效率98.14%,超分割组1、2、5年生存率分别为61.11%,42.59%和24.07%;常规分割组1、2、5年生存率分别为53.85%,36.54%和9.62%;两组病人5年生存率差异有统计学意义。结论 超分割放射治疗食管癌疗效较常规分割放射治疗好,但有待大规模临床试验证实。
Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of whole course hyperfractionation radiotherapy for esophageal carcinoma. Methods Form January 1999 to December 2001,106 patients with esophageal carcinoma were treated either by conventional radiotherapy with 200cGy per day 5 times a week to a total dose of 6000-7000cGy or by whole course hyperfractionation radiotherapy consisting of 120cGy twice a day 10 times a week with an interval of 6 hours between fractions to a total dose of 6400-7400 cGy. The same cobalt 60 teletherapy machine was used in all patients. Results In conventional radiotherapy group, the 1, 2 and 5 year survival rates of patients were 53.85%(28/52), 36.54%(19/52), 9.62% (5/52), while which were 61.11%(33/54), 42.59%(23/54), 24.07%(13/54)( P^O. 05) in whole course hyperfractionation radiotherapy group respectively and the short-term effective rate was 98.14 %. There was difference found in 5 year survival rates between these two groups. Conclusion It is promising of whole course hyperfractionation radiotherapy for esophageal carcinoma. But it must be validated by the large-scale clinical trials.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Esophageal neoplasms radiotherapy Dose fractionation Prognosis