新甜饲2号(原代号JZSL-18)是以多粒四倍体自交系NXSL-4为母本,以多粒二倍体授粉系SL-2和SL2- J08为父本,通过杂交选育而成。杂交种父母本配制比例为2:6。该品种2005~2006年参加省饲用甜菜品种区域试验,平均块根产量152104.5kg/hm^2,较对照新甜饲1号增产20.0%;平均含糖率6.22%,较对照提高0.22度;块根干基粗蛋白含量13.95%该品种2006年参加生产示范试验,2007年2月通过新疆维吾尔自治区品种审定委员会审定命名,丰产性强,耐甜菜褐斑病、白粉病,适宜在新疆的南疆、北疆等地区推广种植。
The fodder beet variety, Xintiansi 2 (code name JZSL-18) was bred from female parent (NXSL-4, a polygerm tetraploid line) and male parents (SL-2 and SL2-J08, two diploid polygerm lines) by natural crossing of 6:2. The variety was taken in the Xinjiang fodder beet variety test in both year 2005 and 2006. The mean root yield was 152104.Skg/ha, increased by 20.0% in comparison with the variety Xintiansi 1, and the mean sugar content was 6.22%, increased by 0.22°S. The raw protein content in root was 13.95%. The hybrid was also tested in experimental demonstration in 2006. It was registered by Xinjiang Crop Committee in 2007. This hybrid has a sound root yield property and tolerant to leafspot and powdery mildew. It is suitable to plant in both south and north parts of Xinjiang.
Sugar Crops of China