
深圳市宝安区社区医生工作意愿现状及影响因素分析 被引量:2

An Analysis of Working Willingness of the Doctors in Community Health Services in Bao'an,Shenzhen
摘要 目的通过问卷调查,分析宝安区社区医生工作的意愿及其主要影响因素。方法自行设计调查问卷,采用整群随机抽样的方法对宝安区2006年7月在岗的社区医生进行自填式问卷调查。结果88%的社区医生愿意继续在社区卫生服务中心工作,12%的不愿继续从事社区工作。年龄、职称、月均收入水平是影响社区卫生服务中心医生工作意愿选择的主要因素。职称越高、收入水平越低、年龄越低的社区医生继续工作的意愿越低。结论社区卫生服务管理人员应加强社区医生的继续教育力度,建立公平、合理的薪酬体系和职称晋升体系。 OBJECTIVE To find out the working willingness of community health doctors in Bao'an and the influencing factors. METHOD By cluster sampling, a total of community health doctors before July, 2006 were chosen to fill in the survey questionnaire, which was designed by ourselves and included general condition and working willingness, RESULT The doctors who want to continue to work in community health centers account for 88%, the doctors who don't want to work in community health centers account for 12%, Age, professional title and monthly income are the main factors which influence the choice of the working willingness of the community health doctors.The higher the professional title, the lower the monthly income and the younger the community health doctors, the lower the working willingness. CONCLUSION The administrators should establish equal and reasonable salary system, the promotion system of professional title and strength the continuoiJs education.
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2008年第5期23-25,共3页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 工作意愿 社区卫生服务 社区 working willingness, community health service, community
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