
从搭售构成到市场的关联性——对德先诉索尼案的思考 被引量:6

Dexian Corp.v.Sony Corp.:from Requirement of Tying to Relationship of Markets
摘要 德先诉索尼案被认为是国内第一起以非法垄断为案由的案件,具有理论探讨的重要意义,此案在实体认定上并不能笼统地认为索尼公司实施了非法的搭售。因为索尼公司在数码相机的设备市场上并不具备市场支配地位,同时在产品的销售中不具备搭售的"单一产品"构成要件,因此在销售设备时不成立数码产品和电池的非法搭售。但是,由于设备市场和售后市场的关联性,设备市场的竞争在售后市场是专有市场时无法影响厂商对于售后产品的定价,从而构成对索尼产品的售后市场的垄断地位,并在售后市场上构成搭售。同时,在数码相机市场快速发展,设备产品未来销售的贴现价值偏小的激励下,厂商有足够的动力对售后产品制定高价格,扭曲竞争。因此,在这一意义上,索尼公司的行为构成反垄断法意义上的非法搭售。 With regard to Dexian Co. v. Sony Co., we cannot take it for granted that Sony is conducting illegal tying. As a matter of fact, Sony hasn't dominant position in equipment market of digital camera, and doesn't satisfy the requirement of single-product in respect of tying. Therefore it does not constitute illegal tying. There is not tying in equipment market but in after-sale market. After analyzing a similar case, Eastman Kodak Co. v. Image Technical Services, Inc., we can find that the competition of equipment market don't affect enterprise's strategy of increasing price in after-sale market. Meanwhile, market of digital camera is developing quickly; enterprises have enough incentives to increase the price of separate part since discount value of equipment is very small. My conclusion is Sony abused tying to make super-competition profit beyond the normal scope of usage of patent right ,
作者 李剑
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期95-101,共7页 Hebei Law Science
基金 2006年司法部重点项目"市场经济与反垄断法问题--知识产权的视角"(06SFB1015)的中期成果
关键词 搭售 市场份额 需求 设备市场 售后市场 tying market share demand equipment market after market
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