
XIVE种植系统在上颌前牙缺失修复中的疗效观察 被引量:1

The Clinical Evaluation of Xive Implants Restorate the Lossing of Maxillary Anterior Teeth
摘要 目的:评价Xive种植体在上颌前牙缺失美学修复的临床效果。方法:临床选择30例上颌前牙缺失的患者,从美观效果进行考虑选取恰当的外科手术和修复方法,共植入Xive种植体48枚,种植后嘱患者按期复查,评价应用效果。结果:种植牙修复后咀嚼功能恢复良好,种植体周围软组织健康美观。修复体单冠和修复基台的接缝位于龈下,种植牙给人以从龈下长出来的视觉效果。28名患者对修复体及其临床应用效果和美观效果都评价为满意,1枚种植体发生周围炎,1颗烤瓷冠崩瓷。满意度为93.33%。结论:Xive种植体修复上颌前牙缺失能够获得满意的临床效果。但要注意种植中软、硬组织和修复体的美学处理。 Objective: To evaluate the clinical effects of Xive implant restorate the lossing of maxillary anterior teeth.Methods:Totally 30 cases of lossing of maxillary anterior teeth received xive implant installation and 48 implants were used.Chose implant surgery and prosthodontics methods aesthetically. Then ask the patients to recheck periodically and to evaluate the effects of the restorations.Result: The mastication were approved well of most dental implant restorations. Most soft tissue surrounded implants was healthy and beauty. 28 patients felt satisfied with the application and aesthetic effect of the restorations. One case had peri-implant inflammation.one case porcelain dropped .The satisfition rate is 93.33%.Conclusion: The results of Xive implant restoration the lossing of maxillary anterior teeth can be satisfied. But we must pay attention to the aesthetic treatment of hard,soft tissues and prosthodontics.
出处 《中国口腔种植学杂志》 2008年第1期19-21,共3页 Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
关键词 牙种植体 XIVE种植体 上颌前牙缺失 美学修复 Dental Implant Xive System Clinical Application aesthetic restorations
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