用传统方法手工绘制输电线路地理平面图费时费力且数据不准确。为此,详细介绍了利用Google Earth卫星地图软件和全球卫星定位系统(GPS)接收机制作输电线路地理平面图的方法,并与传统手工绘制方法进行比较,该方法对于提高供电部门的运行管理水平、维护输电线路的安全运行有着积极的作用。
Geographical plan of transmission line is necessary information for electric power operation department. It needs extra effort and time to make manually by traditional method and brings inaccurate data usually. Therefore. the authors introduce a detailed method to make geographical plan of transmission line which is to use Google Earth Software and Global Positioning System(GPS) receiver and compare with the traditional method. This new method plays an active role in improving management level of power supply department and protecting safety operation of transmission line.
Guangdong Electric Power