利用CFileFind类可以比较方便地在当前目录下进行文件查找,但却不能对其子目录中的文件进行搜寻。针对此问题,给出了在Visual C++6.0中如何遍历任意目录树,以查找某一特定文件的方法。利用这种方法可以对整个目录进行遍历搜索,查找某一特定的文件,并输出显示其完整的文件路径。
It is more convenient to search files under current directories by using CFileFind class, however, it cannot to be used to search files from subdirectories. Aiming at solving this problem, this essay gives us methods of how to traverse a random directory tree to search some special file.We can search files from the whole directory tree and print the whoel path of files in this way.
Journal of Ningbo Polytechnic