
两种鹅膏菌纯培养菌丝的分离培养和生长形态 被引量:12

Isolation and Culture of Two Amanita Species and Cultural Morphology
摘要 采集并组织分离到假褐云斑鹅膏(Amanita pseudoporphyria)和块鳞鹅膏(Amanita spissa)的纯培养菌丝。对2株鹅膏菌的培养发现虽然分离成功率很低,但是菌丝培养相对容易,在普通琼脂培养基上生长良好;2种鹅膏菌菌丝的生长形态和方式存在较大差别,对氨基酸的利用也存在差别,但是气生菌丝的延伸速率却非常相似。液体培养条件下,假褐云斑鹅膏菌丝体干重达到0.726mg·mL-1,块鳞鹅膏干重达到0.424mg·mL-1。 Sporophores of A manita pseudoporphyria and A manita spissa were collected and the pure cultures of them were obtained by way of tissue cultlure. Though there is little chance to obtain pure cultures of the two A manita species, they were relatively easy to culture and well-grown mycelia were achieved on ordinary agar culture medium. There were great variances in extension morphology and growth pattern as well as capability in utilizing amino acids, but extensional rate of aerial hypha were very similar one another. In liquid culture system, the dry mycelial weight of A. pseudoporphyria reached 0.726mg·mL^-1 and A. spissa reached 0.424mg·mL^-1.
出处 《中国食用菌》 2008年第3期27-30,共4页 Edible Fungi of China
关键词 菌丝培养 生长形态 分离培养 鹅膏菌 纯培养 液体培养条件 琼脂培养基 组织分离 A manita Ectomycorrhiza Liquid culture Pure culture
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