The haploid tobacco seedlings were inoculated with CMV at six-leaf stage. Nitrogen fertiliser was applied to the seedlings 72h prior to inoculation. The inoculated seedlings were put in green house at 28±2℃ under natural lighting. This is the optimal condition for the infection and the disease of TMV. The 9th or 10th leaf of diseased tobacco seedlings was completely abnormal or chlorisis. This was considered the critical selection pressure for the screen of CMV-resistance mutants by the method of culturing dark green island. The heart leaves of tobacco seedlings were mutagenized with 0. 3% EMS. The seedlings were laid under critical selection pressure after inoculation. Seventy-eight abnormal or chlorisis leaves, which had only one to two green islands, were selected from 928 diseased seedlings of Burley 18. The green islands were sectioned and cultured on medium. 146 health test tube seedlings were obtained. The health seedlings were transplanted and inoculated with CMV. The resistance mutant lines R2 and R8 were selected. The disease indices of them were 40.1 - 45. 3 lower than that of the parent. The characteristics of the CMV resistance could be hereditary in the reproductive period.
Journal of Plant Protection