

On "Whether the International Communist Movement Is at a Low Ebb"
摘要 "前苏联"——主要指赫鲁晓夫时代、波列日涅夫时代的苏联不是马克思主义的社会主义和共产主义社会,而是反马克思主义的假社会主义社会,苏共是反马克思主义的假共产党,推行的不是"国际共产主义",而是"社会帝国主义"、"大国沙文主义"、是与"美国"本质相同的"国际霸权主义",是"苏俄新沙皇帝国"。其国内的社会性质是由官僚特权阶级统治和剥削的官僚专制的国家垄断资本主义,确实是地球上"最坏的资本主义",这是一股对抗国际共产主义的反动势力,它的崩溃恰恰是"国际共运"的伟大胜利,由此,马克思主义和"国际共运"不断走向高潮,包括"中国特色"社会主义在内的国际社会主义正蒸蒸日上,蓬勃发展。 the former Soviet Union - mainly refer to Khrushchev Age and Brezhnev Age - isn' t the Marxist socialism and communism but anti - Marxist false socialism,the Soviet Communist Party is false communist party,and it implemented "social imperialism" and " great power chauvinism" instead of "international communism". It' s "international hegemonism" and "new tsar Soviet empire". Actually it' s just the same as the United States. Its domestic social nature is the bureaucratic authoritarian state monopoly capitalism of the domination and exploitation by the bureaucratic privileged class and it' s "the worst of Capitalism" on the earth. It is a force against international communism, so its collapse :means a great victory to "the international communist movement". For this reason, Marxism and the " international communist movement" continued to climax and thrive,including the "Chinese characteristic" socialism.
出处 《济宁学院学报》 2008年第2期54-58,共5页 Journal of Jining University
关键词 马克思的国际共产主义 马克思的“自由人联合体”社会 前苏联 社会帝国主义 国际霸权主义 赫鲁晓夫 波列日涅夫 官僚特权阶级 中国特色社会主义 Marxist international communism Marxist "freeman union" society former Soviet Union social imperialism international hegemonism Khrushchev Brezhnev the bureaucratic privileged class " Chinese characteristic" socialism
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