

Study on the Cluster-based Public Policies in OECD Countries
摘要 在很多国家,创新型企业之间的集群被看作是驱动经济增长和就业的发动机,经济活动中的创新集群对新技术、技能人员和研究投资具有越来越强的吸引力。在介绍OECD国家集群研究的基础上,分析该研究如何在深化理论研究的基础上,从理论研究走向政策实践,为我们提供了在"创新系统方法"和"集群方法"的基础上寻求更加整合的创新政策的范例。 In many countries, innovation enterprises cluster seemed like the driver of economy increase and employment. Innovation cluster become more attractive to new technology, technical personnel and investment. Based on the introduction of OECD countries' cluster researches, this paper analyzes how to realize the approach from theory research to the policy practice, and supplies us with the paradigm of looking for integrated innovation policy on the hasis of "innovation system method" and "cluster method".
作者 杨继明
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期64-68,共5页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 集群 OECD 集群政策 cluster OECD cluster-based policy
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