
小型链条炉排稻壳锅炉的开发设计 被引量:5

Study and Design of a small endless-grate boiler firing rice husk
摘要 稻壳燃烧特性与煤不同,在作为燃料用于链条炉排锅炉时存在一些问题。分析了小型链条燃煤锅炉直接改用燃烧稻壳时运行中常见问题的原因,在此基础上根据稻壳的燃烧特性,详细论述了小型链条炉排稻壳锅炉在开发设计及运行中应注意的问题。给出了适于稻壳锅炉的炉拱设计参数,提出了合理的上料系统,阐述了如何调节鼓引风量等锅炉运行中应注意的事项。所述方法可使小型链条炉排锅炉在利用稻壳做燃料时运行更加经济可靠,同时对小型燃煤链条锅炉改为燃用稻壳也有一定借鉴作用。 Rice husk is quietly different from coal in burning behavior. There are some problems when endless grate boilers fire rice husk instead of coal, and the reasons are analyzed in this paper. On the basis of the analysis and according to combustion properties of rice husk, problems in the design and operation of small endless-grate boilers firing rice husk are discussed in detail. These problems include how to select parameters of boiler arches, how to design fuel feeder, and how to regulate the capacities of the forced- and induced-draft fans during operation. The solutions to these problems can make rice-husk boiler more efficient and economic. In addition, they are also useful for retrofitting coal-fired boilers to installations firing rice husk.
作者 董菊梅 王帅
出处 《能源研究与信息》 2008年第1期29-33,38,共6页 Energy Research and Information
关键词 链条炉排 稻壳锅炉 开发设计 endless grate rice husk boiler study and design
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