
浦东白猪毛色的遗传基础研究——KIT基因变异的检测 被引量:2

Genetic Basis of Hair Color of Pudong White Pig:Detecting Genetic Variation of KIT Gene
摘要 浦东白猪是国内唯一一个毛色全白的地方猪种。但是对其毛色全白的分子遗传基础,迄今一直无人研究。为此,本研究通过聚合酶链式反应-单链构象多态性分析(PCR-SSCP)以及对KIT基因内含子17和内含子18的测序探讨了浦东白猪白毛色的遗传控制体系与长白猪和大白猪白毛色控制体系的异同。结果证明,浦东白猪与长白猪和大白猪一样,其白毛色均为KIT基因内含子17发生了G→A的突变,内含子18的序列中存在AGTT的缺失造成的。 Pudong White pig is the only one Chinese indigenous pig breed with full white hair color. However, the molecular genetic basis of this trait is unclear until now. In this study, we used the PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing techniques to detect the variation of intronl7 and intronl8 of KIT gene which was already proved to be an important gene in controlling the hair color of Landrace and Large White. The results demonstrate that Pudong White also has the G→A mutation in intron17 and the AGTT deletion in intron18 of KIT gene which is totally same with what in Landrace and Large White.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2008年第2期101-103,118,共4页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
基金 沪农科攻字(2005)第3-2号项目 沪农科攻字(2003)第1-1号项目
关键词 浦东白猪 KIT基因 白毛色 PCR—SSCP Pudong White pig KIT gene white hair color PCR-SSCP
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