オhe family Bibionidae are new to Henan Province, a small series specimens collected from Mt. Funiushan have been studied. There are three species of the large genus Bibio Geoffroy, all of which are new to science. The type specimens are kept in the Insect Collections of China Agricultural University.1. Bibio yuanus Yang et Cheng, sp. nov. (Figs. 1,2,4~7)Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratype 1♂, Henan Prov., Songxian County, (112.0°E, 34.1°N) Mt. Baiyunshan (1500 m), 16-VII-1996, collected by Yang Chikun, preserved in alcohol.Male length of body about 4.5 mm, length of wing 4 mm, body black. Antennae with 9 segments, apical spur of front tibia as long as the apical spine, and the veins M2 and Cu1 evanesce before reaching wing margin, so that allied to the B. acutifidus Yang et Luo (1989), but differs from the latter in the color of legs and the male genitalia.Female length of body about 5 mm, length of wing 6 mm, somewhat larger and paler than the male. Head black and thorax orange yellow with small black maculations.2. Bibio funiuanus Yang et Cheng, sp. nov.(Figs. 3,8,9)Holotype ♀, Henan Province, Luanchuan County, (111.5°E, 33.7°N), Longyuwan, 10-VII-1996, collected by Yang Chikun, preserved in alcohol.Female length of body about 5.5 mm, length of wing 5.3 mm, and close related to the female of above new species, but distinguished from B. yuanus in the projecton of thorax at lateral view slopes gently; and the prescutum of mesonotum with only an euneiform long black spot and 2 times as long as the pronotum, which in the yuanus is a pair of short euneiform spots and as long as pronotum only.3. Bibio longipalpus Yang et Cheng, sp. nov. (Figs. 10~12)Holotype ♀, Henan Province, Songxian County, (112.0°E, 34.1°N) Mt. Baiyunshan, 16-VII-1996, collected by Yang Chikun, preserved in alcohol.Female length of body about 7 mm, length of wing 6 mm. A dark species, antennae 9segmented, maxillary palpi very developed, even 2 times as long as antenna, the 2 basal segments short and pale, and the 3~5 segments elongate and black. Apical spur of front tibia small, only 1/2 long as the apical spine. Allied to the B. crassinodus Yang et Luo, but differs by the larger size, and the character of front femora very stout.
: Diptera, Bibionidae, Bibio, new species, Henan