
浪漫依恋研究及其对中国化研究的启示 被引量:4

Study of Romantic Attachment and Revelation to Its Particularization in China
摘要 浪漫依恋也称婚恋依恋,是指伴侣间的一种情感联结。依恋模式的稳定性至今仍存在争议。在消极情境下依恋系统会被激活,同时引起相应的情绪,使伴侣之间的交流互动产生变化。跨文化研究显示,部分文化可能不适合用两种维度或四种类型进行划分,这当中涉及测量工具的等值问题。中国化的浪漫依恋研究须考虑文化的特殊性,中国伴侣含蓄的情感表达方式、夫妻相敬如宾等传统儒家观点有可能是导致文化差异的原因。我们强调研究方法需更符合中国化,同时对未来浪漫依恋发展趋势进行了探讨。 Romantic attachment means affective bonding of romantic partner. The stabilization of attachment model is still controvertible. Working models of attachment activated in response to stressful events and different attachment styles differ in the way they interact with their partner. Some evidence showed that the two-dimension, four-category structure of romantic attachment model was not universal across all cultures. The cultural comparison research should depend on the equivalence of the measures. Researchers of the romantic attachment in China should consider the particularly of Chinese culture. Cultural differences of romantic attachment may be caused by Confucianism, for example implied expression style of Chinese and concord with spouse. Finally, the authors suggested some methods that are suitable for Chinese couples and potential areas for future research.
作者 陈燕蕾 陈红
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期14-18,共5页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 西南大学国家重点学科基础心理学基金项目"身体自我的本土化 跨文化研究"(NSKD07001)
关键词 亲密关系 浪漫依恋 依恋模式 中国化 intimate partnership romantic attachment attachment model particularization in China
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