
基于波前编码技术的虹膜识别系统 被引量:2

Study of Iris Recognition Based on Wavefront Coded Imaging System
摘要 自动虹膜识别是一种非入侵式身份认证方法。目前的虹膜识别系统中图像采集系统的景深非常有限,获取清晰虹膜图像需要用户的密切配合,这阻碍了虹膜识别系统的广泛应用。本文提出基于波前编码系统的虹膜识别系统,极大地扩大了虹膜识别系统的景深,提高了虹膜识别系统使用的友好性。 Automated iris recognition is a method for noninvasive verification of identity.There is very shallow depth-of-field in current iris recognition systems.In order to acquire a clear image,it requires the user's cooperation.This obstacles the application of iris recognition system in a daily environment.In this paper,iris recognition system based on wavefront coded imaging system is proposed.It can greatly extend the depth-of-field of iris imaging.This facilitates the use of iris recognition system.
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2008年第5期22-24,共3页 Computer and Modernization
基金 郑州航院基金资助项目(Q06L110)
关键词 虹膜识别 波前编码 景深 iris recognition wavefront coded depth-of-field
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