
析城乡小额保险供给制度及其创新 被引量:11

The supply system for micro-insurance in urban and rural areas and its innovation
摘要 城乡小额保险作为一种保险供给制度创新,是对可保性的扩展。城乡小额保险主要通过规模经济实现边际成本降低,通过模式创新实现成本内在化,并通过更加简单灵活的保险方式,贴近低收入人群。尽快推出形式多样的小额保险,将有利于进一步扩大商业保险覆盖面,促进我国保险业又好又快做大做强。 Micro-insurance in urban and rural areas, as an innovation on insurance supply system, is an extension of insurability. It achieves lowering of marginal costs mainly through the scale of economy effect, internalizes costs through innovation on the business model, and makes insurance accessible for low-income and non-standard economic groups through simplified and more flexible modes of insurance. Launching different types of micro-insurance will further promote the expansion of commercial insurance coverage and enhance China's insurance industry to grow stronger and bigger rapidly and soundly.
作者 刘智夫
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期55-56,59,共3页 Insurance Studies
关键词 小额保险 城乡低收入人群 保险供给 制度创新 micro-insurance low-income group in urban and rural areas insurance supply system innovation
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