撑绿竹是采用"撑嵩竹"(Bambusa pervariabilis McClure)为母本、"大绿竹"(Dendrocalamopsis daii Keng f.)为父本杂交选育而成的速生优良竹种。撑绿竹笋期大致可划分为初期、盛期、弱期和末期四个阶段。出笋率,初期占35.8%,盛期占37.3%,弱期占22.2%,末期占4.7%。竹笋高生长是随出笋时间的推迟而逐渐加快,出笋初期日均生长量占总生长量的9.7%,盛期占10.5%,弱期占21.8%,末期占58.0%。竹笋平均地径5.1厘米,小于平均地径的竹株占54.8%,等于平均地径的竹株占34.0%,大于平均地径的竹株占11.2%。抽枝发叶历程约120天。总退笋率为21.2%,并随时间的推移而上升,随笋高的增加而下降。
The shooting period of Bambusa pervariabilis x Dendrocala mopsis grandis can be divided into 4 stages: initial, prosperous, declining, and final. In terms of shooting percentage, the initial stage accounts for 35.8%, the prosperous stage 37.3%, the declining stage 22. 2%, and the final stage 4. 7%. Shoots which emerge later have faster height growth rate. The average growth amount per day of the shoots in initial stage account for 9.7% of the total, and that of the shoots in prosperous stage, declining stage, and final stage account for 10. 5%, 21.8% , and 58.0%, respectively. 54.8%of the shoots have ground diameter smaller than the average (5. 1 cm), 34.0% equal to the average, and 11.2% larger than the average. The degraded shoot percentage increases with the progress of time and declined with the increase of the shoot height.
Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology
Bambusa pervariabilis × Dendrocala mopsis grandis
Growth regularity