针对由于JADE(Java Agent Development Environment)对带图形界面的代理的支持程度不够,从而造成开发出来的系统结构混乱,维护困难等问题,采用MVC(Model-View-Control)设计模式进行开发,提出了一种新的图形界面Agent开发架构,即采用模型、界面和控制等功能模块相分离的方式来构造系统,以实现对多代理系统开发和维护的简化。该架构除了加强JADE系统对图形界面代理的支持外,新增了对多种消息并行处理的支持;并且结构灵活,易于扩展,可对现有的多代理系统进行少量改造来实现结构调整。
To the problem that the existing Java agent development environment (JADE)based system structure becomes confused and difficult to maintain due to the lacks of the support to the agents with graphic interface,the Model-View-Control (MVC)design mode is adopted and an architecture of graphic interface agent development is proposed. To make the development and maintenance of multi-agent systems simpler, the architecture uses the separated modules such as model, view and control to construct the system. By using the architecture, the JADE based system will provide more support not only to the agents with graphic interface, but also to the multiform messages parallel handling. The flexi- bihty of the architecture is increased and the expansibility of system is improved. The existing multi-agent systems can use this architecture to adjust the structure with less change,
Control Engineering of China