objective :To evaluate earlyclinical effects of open reallction and internal fixation for the treatment of in trearticular calcanel fractures. Methoas:28 feet of 23 patients with intrearticular froctures of The calcaneus were reviewed. An extensile leateral in cision was performeed in all patients to provide an anatiomic reda action with the use of "Y", Shapeplates. The patients were fo llowed up with an averge time of 11. 4 months range from 3 to 24 month. Results: Reaiographs obtained in the earl postoperative period showed that complete anatomicrallucion were achieved in all 28 feet. Accoraing to maryland foot score the results were excellent in 14 good in 12 fair in 2 none of patients required a subsequeen operational to surgery associated cases. Canclusion: The treatment effects of intrearticular calcaneal fracture with ORIF and satisfactory.