目的了解城乡居民健康体检前准备知识了解状况,为实施针对性的健康教育提供依据,使每位体检者得到高质量的体检服务。方法对2006年3—8月在体检中心体检的1 600名城乡居民,用自行设计的调查问卷对其体检前准备知识了解情况、所掌握知识主要来源、喜欢接受的教育方式等问题进行调查。结果调查对象对健康体检前准备知识的了解情况总体水平比较低;所掌握的知识主要来源于单位体检前一天发放的简易的"体检须知"单;对体检知识的掌握程度,文化程度较高的体检者优于文化程度较低者,城镇居民优于农村居民;对知识需求率均为100%,喜欢的学习方式为录像结合医护人员讲解和示范。结论在体检前对体检者进行健康体检知识教育很重要,进行健康教育时应采取灵活多样的形式,加大对文化水平低及农村体检者的宣教力度。
Objective To understand the knowledge prepared for health examination among urban and rural residents so as to provide high quality service in health examination. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the knowledge prepared for health examination, the sources of their knowledge and the education method they liked among 1 600 persons admitted at the health examination center from Mar. to Aug. 2006. Results The general knowledge prepared for health examination was at a low level, the source from which they got the knowledge was from the "Health Examination Introduction" handed out one day before examination. As for mastering the health examination, the better-educated persons were at a higher degree than those with poorer education and those from urban areas than those from rural areas, but 100% of them wished to leam the knowledge. The instruction methods they liked included videotape playing combined with illustration and presentation by doctors and nurses. Conclusion Before health examination, health education is important and the health education methods should be flexible. We should enhance health education over those with less education and those from rural areas.
Journal of Nursing(China)
urban and rural residents
health examination
knowledge prepared for health examination
health education