

Association between LAG-3 gene rs870849 and CD4 gene rs2515733 polymorphisms with susceptibility of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
摘要 目的分析CD4基因rs2515733多态性和Lag-3基因rs870849多态性与特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)易感性之间的关系。方法采用聚合酶链反应—限制性片段长度多态性方法(PCR-RFLP)分析157例ITP患者和136例正常人的基因分型。结果CD4基因rs2515733多态性位点基因频率和Lag-3基因rs870849多态性位点基因频率在患者组与对照组之间无显著差异。结论ITP患者和正常人CD4基因rs2515733多态性和Lag-3基因rs870849多态性基因频率的分布类似,这两个基因的多态性与ITP易感性无关。 Objective To investigate the relations between the CD4 gene rs2515733 polymorphism and LAG-3 gene rs870849 polymorphism and the susceptibility of idiopathic thromboeytopenie purpura(ITP). Methods Genotyping of CD4 gene rs2515733 and LAG-3 gene rs870849 in 191 patients with ITP and 136 healthy individuals were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Results There was no statistical difference in gene frequency of CD4 gene rs2515733 and LAG-3 gene rs870849 polymorphism site between ITP group and the control group. Condusions There is the similar gene frequency distribution of CD4 gene rs2515733 and Lag-3 gene rs870849 pol- ymorphism between ITP patients and healthy volunteers, the CD4 gene rs2515733 and Lag-3 gene rs870849 polymorphism have no relation with ITP susceptibility.
出处 《山东医药》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第13期20-22,共3页 Shandong Medical Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30670900)。
关键词 紫癜 血小板减少性 特发性 多态性 CD4基因 lag-3基因 自身免疫疾病 purpura, idlopathic, thrombocytopenic polymorphisms CDa gene LAG-3 gene autoimmune disease
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