
珠江三角洲区域大气环境容量的计算及二氧化硫排放控制对策探讨 被引量:10

Estimation of the Carrying Capacity of the Atmospheric Environment over the Pearl River Delta Region and Counter-measures for Control of Sulfur Dioxide Emission
摘要 珠江三角洲区域由于独特的下垫面特征形成了一个相对独立的区域大气系统。通过对2002-2005年该区域大气中滞留二氧化硫总量与二氧化硫实际排放总量的逐年比较表明:珠江三角洲区域二氧化硫的大气环境容量在正常气象条件和保持空气环境质量不超出国家二级标准的情况下为20×104t/a左右,但是大气降水强度和大气中二氧化硫浓度对该区域大气系统降解和清除二氧化硫的能力有显著影响。而该区域实际承受的二氧化硫污染负荷在2003年高达87.49×104t,大大高出大气环境的降解和清除能力,使得大气环境质量呈现逐年恶化的趋势,预测在2010年以前还将进一步恶化。要使珠江三角洲区域大气环境得到有效整治,尽快扭转大气环境质量逐年恶化的趋势,必须对目前珠江三角洲区域大气环境形势有一个清醒的认识;对共享的环境容量必须在不同行政区之间作出合理分配。建议尽快实施排污权交易和环境损失补偿制度,从经济上抑制地方政府超容量排污追求粗放型经济增长的冲动。 There is a relatively independent regional atmospheric system over the Pearl River Delta region due to the unique underlying land surface there. A comparison between the annual change of the total amount of sulfur dioxide suspending in the atmosphere and the total emission of sulfur dioxide from year 2002 to 2005 indicated that the carrying capacity of sulfur dioxide in the atmospheric environment over the Pearl River Delta Region was around 20 x 104t/a under normal meteoric conditions and air quality kept under national standard level II, while the precipitation and the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere showed significant influence on the ability of the atmospheric system to reduce and remove sulfur dioxide. The sulfur dioxide pollution load actually suffered in this region had already reached 87.49 x 104t/a in the 2003, which was much more than the atmospheric system could remove. Hence the air quality of the region becomes worse year by year, and is predicted to be ever worse before the year 2010. In order to control the atmospheric environment over the Pearl River Delta Region and turn hack the tendency that the worse atmospheric environment over the region, we must have a conscious understanding about the worsening situation of the quality of the atmospheric environment over the Pearl River Delta Region. We must understand that the quality of the environment is an important part of the quality of life. The environment impact assessment system in China needs to be improved, and the planning, localization and distribution of the main industrial programs should be decided more scientiiicaUy;The shared carrying capacity of the atmospheric environment should be divided and allocated to each administrative region rationally. We need to carry out emission right trading system and environmental loss compensation system to constrain the pulse of the local government to pursue extensive economic growth without consideration of the excessive emission of pollutants in the economic profit.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 2008年第3期201-205,共5页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 广东省科技计划项目(编号:2006B36701001) 广东省自然科学基金团队研究项目"珠江三角洲人地系统演进与人地关系协调研究"(编号:04201163)资助
关键词 大气环境容量 二氧化硫 环境损失补偿 珠江三角洲 carrying capacity of atmospheric environment sulfur dioxide compelrsation of environmental loss Pearl River Delta Region
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