

Numerical Simulation of the M_2 Tidal Wave Distribution in the Taiwan Strait
摘要 台湾海峡大部分区域属半日潮型,半日潮的主要分量为太阴半日分潮M2.前人研究表明,台湾海峡M2分潮是由来自太平洋的大洋潮波绕台湾岛南北两端汇合而成,振幅最大区位于福建沿岸的平潭-兴化湾-湄洲湾一带.为解释这一强潮区形成的动力机制,本文运用普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)进行台湾海峡M2分潮的潮波运动数值模拟.所设计的数值实验包括改变科氏力、海底地形以及岸界3个方面.实验表明,形成海峡西岸强潮区的机制主要是南北两股潮波在浅水区的汇合及岸界反射. The semidiurnal tides are the dominant tides in the Taiwan Strait. As the most important tide,the M2 tidal wave significantly influences the tide distributions of this area. Lots of studies have shown that the M2 tidal in the Taiwan Strait can be formed by the interaction between the two tides coming from the north and south entrances of the Taiwan Strait,respectively. The strongest tidal field occurs at the area from the Pingtan to Meizhou Bay and to Xinghua Bay along the Fujian coastline. In order to interpretate the phenomena mentioned above,the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) was used to do the numerical study in this paper. After a series of sensitive numerical experiments had been carried out,it is revealed that topography and reflective condition in the Taiwan Strait play important roles in the tide field,and the strong tide area at the middle of the west coast may be caused by co-operation between tide wave accumulation in shallow-water area and reflective condition.
出处 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期426-430,共5页 Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science
关键词 台湾海峡 M2分潮 数值模拟 Taiwan Strait M2 tidal numerical simulation
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