
上海陆家嘴金融产业集群发展研究 被引量:12

Study on the Financial Services Cluster in Lujiazui District of Shanghai
摘要 随着我国东部沿海地区产业升级的压力增加,金融产业集群赢得了越来越多的关注。在分析大量资料以及开展问卷、面对面访谈的基础上,利用VCM曲线方法,对上海陆家嘴金融产业集群的内部联系、行业协会作用、人员交流等进行了系统的分析,陆家嘴金融企业空间集聚现象明显,企业之间的垂直联系较强,而水平联系较弱,金融从业人员之间的非正式交流很少,陆家嘴金融产业集群属于比较典型的轮轴式产业集群。为了提升陆家嘴金融产业集群的核心竞争力,需要在进一步壮大金融产业规模的同时,还应该提升外商独资企业、合资企业的地方根植性,重视金融人才的培养和引进,大幅改善金融企业水平合作联系的硬件和软件环境条件。 Financial services cluster is a growth factor of economic development and it has become the subject of intense interest in academic, business practitioner and government policy circles in the world. In China, the financial services industry has experienced a fantastic development and the Lujiazui District of Shanghai, the only national economic development zone entitled Finance and Trade, is recognized as one of China's national centers for financial services. In this article, the authors studies on the financial services cluster in Lujiazui District, based on the analysis of firm location, questionnaire and interviews from 2005 to 2006. In Lujiazui, the financial services firms locate close to customers, competitors and support services, but the personal relationship and face-to-face communications between firms, clients, suppliers, professional bodies, the government and financial regulators, which are essential to the financial services cluster , are still very weak here. Consequently, it shows the view that Lujiazui resembles a satellite industrial platform type of cluster and the cluster can be more competitive if the finance industry grow steadily and the firms from other parts of the world can become one part of the local network.
作者 曾刚 司月芳
出处 《地域研究与开发》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期39-43,共5页 Areal Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40371033) 上海市科技发展基金软科学研究项目(076921010)
关键词 金融产业集群 金融地理学 陆家嘴 上海市 Financial services cluster financial geograph Lujiazui District Shanghai City
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