
随机流量网络中流量分配控制的多目标优化研究 被引量:2

Study on multi-objective optimization of flow control and allocation in stochastic-flow network
摘要 现实世界的网络比如:物流网络、通信网络、交通网络,电网等可以被抽象成一个随机流量网络。以传输成功率和整个传输所花费的成本为目标,对随机流量网络上流量的分配控制的多目标优化问题进行了研究。采用MPs的概念对问题建模,大大简化了模型的复杂程度。最后提出一个多目标遗传算法,通过实例验证,该算法较好地解决了随机流量网络上的流量分配控制问题。 Many real-life networks such as logistics and communication network and so on can be regard as a stochastic-flow network.A multi-objectives optimization problem in a stochastic-flow network is studied in this paper.The objectives are the probability of transmission is successful and the cost that transmission costs.The authors build a model using the conception of MPs,so greatly reduce the complexity of model.A multi-objectives genetic algorithm for computing the optimal flow allocation policy is proposed.Tested by an example,this algorithm commendably solves the problem of flow control and allocation in a stochastic-flow network.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第15期94-96,126,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(No.2006BS05006)
关键词 随机流量网络 多目标遗传算法 整数规划 stochastic-flow network,multi-objectives genetic alogrithm,integer programming
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