It is proved in this paper that there is a bijection φ from J∪J to δ∪δ′which satisfies:(1)φ|J:(J,belong to)→(δ′,≤)is a frame isomorphism;(2)φ|J^′:(J^′,belong to)→(δ',≤)is a coframe isomorphism,where J is the ordinary topology on[0,1],δis the ordinary L-topology on L-unit interval I(L),and L is a frame with an order-reversing involution.This result improves Theorem 3 in Hutton's paper.
It is proved in this paper that there is a bijection φ from J∪J to δ∪δ′which satisfies:(1)φ|J:(J,belong to)→(δ′,≤)is a frame isomorphism;(2)φ|J^′:(J^′,belong to)→(δ',≤)is a coframe isomorphism,where J is the ordinary topology on[0,1],δis the ordinary L-topology on L-unit interval I(L),and L is a frame with an order-reversing involution.This result improves Theorem 3 in Hutton's paper.
Foundation item: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10271069).