
提高零件轮廓测量机偏心调整精度的方法 被引量:2

Improving Offset Adjusting Accuracy for Contour Measuring Machine
摘要 为了满足研制的零件轮廓测量机实现回转体零件的非接触自动测量,利用激光测头等部件设计了偏心自动调整机构.由于系统中有交流伺服电机驱动器干扰信号,激光测头容易受到环境电磁干扰,造成偏心调整的定心误差较大.为此,在介绍偏心调整控制原理的基础上,针对干扰信号的特点,设计了一种滤除干扰信号的电路,给出了电路框图和关键电路.实验结果表明:偏心调整的定心误差由原来的0.6,mm降至0.1,mm,能够提高偏心调整的精度.对交流伺服电机驱动器干扰信号的处理具有实际的指导意义. In order to realize non-contact auto-measurement of revolving parts, an offset auto-adjustment device was designed by using a laser probe as the feedback control element. Because of the electromagnetic interference from the AC servo motor drives to the laser probe, only 0.6 mm of offset adjusting accuracy can be achieved. Based on the interference signal characteristic, an electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) filter was designed, and the circuit diagram and key points were proposed. Experimental results show that the filter can decrease the error below 0.1 mm, which improves the offset adjusting accuracy. Therefore, the circuit has practical guidance significance to the interference signal processing of the AC servo motor drives.
出处 《纳米技术与精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期217-221,共5页 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering
关键词 智能三坐标测量机 偏心误差调整 激光测头 电磁干扰 intelligent coordinate measuring machine offset error adjustrnent laser probe electromagnetic interference
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