
晋江西溪流域气候变化下的水文响应研究 被引量:1

Simulation of hydrological response to climatic changes in Xixi watershed of the Jinjiang
摘要 气候变化的水文响应研究主要集中在气温和降水的变化对流域各水文要素的影响,选用分布式水文模型SW AT模型,采取直接设定气候情景的方法,定量的评估晋江西溪流域在不同气温和降水条件下产流量、产沙量及蒸发量的变化情况。模拟结果表明气温升高或降水减少都会使产流量减少,气温升高4℃,降水减少20%,产流量减幅最大,为33.34%,气温升高或降水增加会使产沙量及蒸发量增加,气温升高4℃,降水增加20%,产沙量及蒸发量增幅最大,分别为106.73%和25.12%,且降水对产流、产沙的敏感性要大于气温。 The study of hydrological response to climate change mainly concentrated on the change of temperature and precipitation. In the article, a distributed hydrological model SWAT was used to quantitatively evaluate the change situation of runoff yield, evaporation under the dif- ferent conditions in Xixi watershed of Jinjiang. The simulated results indicated that the runoff yield would be decreased with the increase of temperature or decrease of precipitation. When the temperature increased 4℃ and precipitation decreased 20%, the runoff yield would be decreased by 33.34%, evaporation and sediment yield would be increased with the increase of temperature and precipitation. When temperature increased 4℃ and precipitation increased 20%, the sediment yield and evaporation would be increased by 106.73% and 25.12% repectively. The runoff and sediment would be more sensitive to changes in precipitation than temoerature.
出处 《水资源与水工程学报》 2008年第2期31-33,共3页 Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
基金 福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(D0710007) 福建省重点学科(自然地理学)建设项目
关键词 气候变化 产流量 产沙量 蒸发量 SWAT 西溪流域 climate changes runoff yield sediment yield evaporation SWAT Model Xixi Wa-tershed
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