
小切口非超声乳化手术治疗晶状体半脱位白内障 被引量:4

The clinical investingation of manual small incision cataract surgery in lens subluxation with cataract
摘要 目的探讨小切口非超声乳化手术治疗晶状体半脱位白内障的手术方法。方法对22例(22眼)白内障晶状体半脱位行巩膜隧道小切口白内障摘出及人丁晶状体植入术,术后观察和总结患者的视力变化情况、人工晶状体的位置及手术并发症。结果全部患者术后视力均有提高,术后1周视力为0.1~0.4者7眼,0.5~0.8者15眼;术后3个月视力为0.1~0.4者3眼,0.5~0.8者19眼。散瞳1眼人工晶状体偏位,均无复视症状发生;术中和术后均无严重并发症发生。结论选择合适的病例,具有熟练的手术技巧,小切口非超乳手术治疗晶状体半脱位白内障可取得较好效果。 Objective To study surgical technique of manual small incision cataract surgery in lens subluxation with cataract. Methods Cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation were operated on 22 eyes of 22 cases cataracts lens subluxation through small scleral tunnel incisions. The visual acuity, the position of IOL, and the postoperative complications were observed and sum- marized. Results Postoperative vision was increased in all pa- tients. Vision 1 weemk after the operation was 0.1-0.4 in 7 eyes and 0.5-0. 8 in 15 eyes. Vision 3 months after the operation was 0.1-0.4 in 3 eyes and 0.5-0.8 in 19 eyes. IOL positions were found to be diverged after dilateion of the pupil in 1 eyes;no diplo- pia was experienced. There were no serious complications during or after the operation. Conclusions If the operator has perfect skill and chooses the suitable case, a good result can be obtained in small incision non-phacoemulsification of the subluxated lens with cataract.
出处 《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 北大核心 2008年第5期358-360,共3页 Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries
关键词 晶状体半脱位 白内障 小切口 subluxated lens cataract small incision
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