4David Weinberger. Taxonomies and Tags : From Trees to Piles of Leaves. http://www. hyperorg.com/blogger/misc/taxonomies_and_tags.html ( Accessed Jul. 15,2005 )
5Shelley Powers.Accidental Smarts la mode ( a response to just about about any body who is interested ). http://tinyurl.com/b2fnv (Accessed Jul. 15,2005)
6Thomas Vander Wal. Explaining and Showing Broad and Narrow Folksonomies. http://www.vanderwal.net/random/entrysel, php?blog = 1635 ( Accessed Jul, 15,2005)
7Louis Rosenfeld. Folksonomies? How about Metadata Ecologies? http ://louisrosenfeld. com/home/bloug _ archive/000330, html ( Accessed Jul. 15,2005 )
8Cory Doctorow. Metacrap : Putting the torch to seven straw - men of the meta- utopia.http ://www. well. com/-doctorow/metacrap.htm( Accessed Jul. 15,2005 )
9Clay Shirky. Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links, and Tags. http ://shirky. com/writings/ontology _ overrated, html ( Accessed Jul.15,2005)
10Jon Udell. Tag mania sweeps the Web. http://tinyurl.com/cpvz6( Accessed Jul. 15,2005 )