
RNA研究相关技术及其应用 被引量:1

RNA research - related techniques and their application
摘要 RNA技术可以分为RNA基础研究相关的技术、RNA应用相关的技术和RNA的生物信息学技术。RNA基础研究相关技术包括RNA分离纯化和鉴定技术、RNA与其他生物大分子相互作用技术、RNA高级结构的研究技术和其他相关RNA技术;RNA应用相关技术则包括用于生产其他产品的RNA技术和直接用于药物开发的RNA技术;RNA的生物信息学技术则有各种数据库、非编码RNA的预测、RNA二级结构预测和各种设计软件。本文简略介绍了上述各类RNA技术的原理及其国内外研究进展,从而有助于对RNA领域有关技术方面有一较全面的了解。 RNA research- related techniques can be roughly divided into three types:techniques for basic research including techniques for RNA isolating/purifing and characterizing, study of interaction between RNA and other biomolecules and RNA structure analysis; techniques for applied research including techniques to make other products or directly develop diagnostic or therapeutic drugs; RNA bioinformatics techniques including various types of database, techniques for RNA prediction, RNA structure prediction and some designing tools. Here we briefly reviewed the principles and recent advances of RNA research - related techniques. It is hoped to give some overall introduction for the tools of RNA realm.
出处 《生命科学》 CSCD 2008年第2期183-189,共7页 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences
基金 "973"项目(2005CB724600)
关键词 RNA基础研究相关技术 RNA应用技术 RNA生物信息学技术 RNA techniques for basic research RNA techniques for applied research RNA bioinformatics
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