Nowadays, the proccss of cconomic regional integration, which has become a hotwave of cngulfing the whole world in 199Os l gcts fastcr and faster 1n the world. More and more countrles have jolned the reglonal cconomlc blocs whlch are led by tl1rce n1aJor groups including Europe Economic Area, Northcrn Amcrica Frcc Trade Arca, Asia-Paciflc Eco-nomic Cooperation organization. In this paper, on the foundation of summarizing thc conccpt and typcs of rcgiona] cconomic integration, it is considered that thc regional economic integration is characterizcd by regionallty, reclprocity of cooperatlon, unlformlty of target, dual1ty of effect l protcction for member countries, closcd naturc or rejcction for non- member countries, litluidity of essential factors of production, and g1obal effect.Compared with regional cconomic intcgration, sca1e of sub - regional cconomic intcgration is not on1y relativcly sn1all, but also its cooperativc contcnt ls ntJt falrly overi,1l and thoroughgolng l so it is the only way to form rcgional economic integration. Excclpt posscssing some features of rcgional cconomic intcgration, sub - rcgional cconomic integration is also characterzed by regional adjaccncy, cconomic complementarlty, opening in pelicies, and flexible coopcration.Recently, sub - regional economic cooperatlon ln Asia is very active, the establlshcd sub - regional economic organizations are as follows: Association of Southeast Asian nations; preferential tradc agrecment of South Asian nations; free trade zonc of MiddleAsian three nations;economic coopcratlvc organization composed of lran, Turkey and Pakistan. The follows are preparing to be constructed: Northeast Asia economlc clrclc; the Ycllow Sea economic circle;South China cconomic circle; Lancang Rivcr - Mekong Rivcr cconomic circle; regional economic cooperatlve organizations composed of five Middle Asiannations and Azerbaijian.Reglonal economic integration has two sides of effects for economic development of the world, one is positive and the other is negative, but the former ls the main stream.Therefore, the trend of regional economic integration is inevitable.
Arid Land Geography
regional economic integration
sub-regional economic integration
effect analysis