Nano-sized particles are extremely tiny (≤ 100 nm) and homogeneous in size, consist of polybasic materials and have multiple functions. The nano-sized particle layer of shear slip plane in rocks was firstly discovered in granitic mylonite of the San Andreas Fault Zone, United States, and later this phenomenon was found in different rock types in some areas both at home and abroad. Under actions of shear slip, nano-sized particles with roundness and sphericity can become alien ones, and those alien particles may form layered textures and various structural types. There are different views about the genesis of nano-sized particle layers in rocks, and we incline to the view that shear friction plays a dominant role and that the nano-sized particle layer may be called a frictional-viscous thin layer. The mechanical, physical and chemical effects of nano-sized particles are multiple and novel and the study of nano-sized particle layers of rocks has great theoretical and practical significance without doubt. At present the study has just started both at home and abroad.
Journal of Geomechanics